Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
06 February 2006 | 14:45

On all my expensive purchases (anything over $50), I take a long time to buy. I look through countless brands over an extended period of time. And finally, something jumps out at me, and I buy it almost impulsively. But I'm never disappointed. It's still an educated purchase.

Maybe I should have held out for one of those iPod mini mp3 players. I bought a Samsung 512 MB, and though I wanted more memory and an arm band, I'm very content with it. Has more than enought memory for working out. Amazing battery life. And holds up well with my workout. And it's SO EASY to work with. Plug it in to my USB and drag and drop. I love the thing. Though, now the CD player is that much more obsolete in my life, now.

Anyway, only got a three day weekend for that school. Which sucks, I guess, but it could be a lot worse. It's actually a little better, I think. Won't give me time to slow down. I've been non-stop since the year started. I want to keep this momentum going.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.