Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Tres cientos.
11 February 2006 | 11:42

Believe it or not, this is entry 300. Well, really 301 or a little beyond, but since those entries have taken away, this is now 300. It's a celebration bitches!

I stopped keeping track around 100, which doesn't seem long ago at all. And while rummaging through some stats on the site last night, I realized this was going to be number 300.

Snow is not unusual here. However, you'd swear different. The whole town shuts down every time a little white flake falls from the sky. It could just be dandruff from some guy in gyrocopter, but you can never be too sure. Better shut down the town anyway.

Needless to say, the foreign film was canceled. As well as my hopes of finding something to do. However, on the drive back to the billets, I got a call...

Now, at first I thought it was Lydia from Wilmington, NC. But, no. It was Ana! How awesome was that? Sadly, the conversation was fraught with poor communication. That month at WLC has done detrimental things to my spanish. Now, though, I have a renewed fervor to study and improve.

Taxes are done. And yet again I owe Alabama. But that's okay, my federal refund will more than cover it. I still have a few things to do, but in essence, I am done. This morning, I just couldn't lay in bed and do nothing.

On another note, as per my demonstrated driving skills over the past week...my license should be revoked. We'll not go into details; I'll only say that the world at large is afraid to get in the car with me. And they're justified. Hell, I'm afraid to get behind the wheel, fearing what I might do.

So, tonight I want to go out. I haven't really "gone out" since New Year's Eve and I'd say I'm due a little bit of fun. I heard a rumor of a bar in Nashville filled with latinas. That is one rumor I'm going to have to check on.

For now, I need to get cleaned up and find something active to do. Maybe barge into friend's rooms with unlocked doors and smack them in the face with a snowball. Sounds like a fun time.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.