Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Thirtieth Entry. Febreze and Jess
03-10-2003 | 6:32 p.m.

I'm going to discuss two things here tonight that are only related in the sense that they both smell unbelievable wondrous. This first thing: Febreze. The second thing: Jessica Hutson. Let us begin.

Recently, I have discovered the untold treasures of Febreze. Now, I must admit that I normally don't obsess over anything whatsoever....especially with something based in the physical senses. See, the whole aromatherapy thing, I can understand. Incense, I can definitely understand. For me, though, these are just concepts that are left untouched. I have no need for aromatherapy and the only thing I use incense for is to mask the smell of stale cigarette smoke. Febreze...is just different.

It started when the puppies went on a defecation rampage. They put pee and poo everywhere they could fit their puny, bony derri�res, and let me tell you that their waste products have one hell of a potent smell. So, in turn, I sought out a way to cancel out the horrible stench that lingered even after I cleaned it up. And found a nearly empty bottle of Febreze... About 20 squirts later spread throughout the house, I fell in love. Now I rush home so that I can get my fix, and spray my clothes with it so I'll have just a little to last me the day. I really like Febreze.

Onto the second topic, Jessica Hutson. Now I must admit that I have never encountered anyone who smelled half as nice as her. It wasn't the soap she use, it wasn't some perfume..it was just that natural scent that everyone has. Her flesh was just... smellalicious. Anyway, I've been thinking about her a lot lately-by lately, I mean the past 3..maybe 4 months.

It's a little ironic, actually. I've been thinking about her-the her that I alone know and not the her that everyone rags on-and I got the book she had last semester in Economics. It's just a tad intriguing, isn't it? I mean, I could easily attribute it to chance, but even so. I'm just worried about her.. She brought it all on herself, I fully understand this and think that she should endure the consequences..but she's a good person deep inside where no one can tell. I don't like seeing good people in such ruts, self-inflicted or not. Well, anyway, I don't think I'm going to stop thinking about her anytime soon, but I know there is nothing I can do to help her whatsoever. Oh well, right? That's just life.

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Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.