Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Beer money.
16 October 2004 | 20:30

Alchohol turns the greatest of people into swines. And yet, it's when truly wonderful people are drunk that they want to express themselves and their nobility. Kind of defeats the purpose of it all, then, doesn't it?

I went out with a group of friends today to do some shopping. No surprise that it ended up with drinking. As usual, I didn't want to drink much because I want to stay in control. It's a good thing, too. Especially with how the night ended.

There was a bill at the end of some one-hundred thirty dollars that five people had racked up together. I'd had a small amount, so I had no problem with putting in $12-enough for a pitcher of beer even though I hadn't consumed nearly that much. However, one guy wanted another guy to pay for well over half of the bill while refusing to put in more than twenty bucks himself. Supposedly he'd only had "that" much to drink. Seeing how I'm the only one that never even started to buzz, I'd say I'm in the right for throwing a bullshit flag. I watched that boy guzzle away at least twice the claimed amount.

In the end, the bill was paid for and the money-grubber was still trying to fish cash out of my plastered friends. He was a friend, too, until that. Needless to say, the night nearly ended with my boot print left on his face. I don't like violence...but I hate the type of immoral crap he tried to pull even more.

When they are all sober again, I'm going to get everyone together and sort this fiasco out for the benefit of all of us. It's so much easier for them to do math when they're not drunk, you know? Anyway, I'm not going out for a while. I'm tired of being pissed off because I'm the only one sober enough to know what schemes are trying to be pulled.

At any rate, my friends are the most noble drunks I've ever met. Whatever the hell that means.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.