Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Terri Schiavo
21 March 2005 | 18:48

It is not Man's place to theive lives from God. And yet still we place a filter between this world and the next to trap souls inside of bodies.

In the state that Terri Schiavo is in, she would not have naturally lived. And we decided to intervene as her brothers and sisters in life. And now, some want to pull back that hand that was given with such good intention.

The motive that makes that hand pull back is fear and doubt and all that is wrong. It was wrong in the first place to give such hope and false life to anyone. And now that we have, it is duty to maintain that gift or curse or whatever it may be.

Needless to say, the hand should not be pulled away. Her aid should not stop. Not this soon, anyway. Pull the plug on the day the average life expectancy has been reached. For in that time, a miracle could happen. And as sad as it is to keep a soul enslaved to a carcass that is slowly decaying with no functions left...it is a neon flag to what man should be made more aware. It's wrong to use her in such a way, and so much more a wrong to let her go with no lesson learned.

We are not immortal on this Earth as we are born. I believe in a miracle that God can grant everlasting life in this realm as well as any other. But we'll not be as we were born. And we won't be laying in bed with tubes and machine giving us breath and food. We need to realize that mankind is not meant for immortality. That Judgement is a day we will all meet. And the only ones involved in that decision is ourself and Dios.

Mankind, I appeal to you. Learn for your lessons and stop fucking up without taking anything from it. Be hungry for knowlege. Consume it in mass, share it, and always ask for seconds. God wouldn't have given us minds with Reason if he didn't want us to do such.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.