Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Busy worker bees.
19 August 2005 | 11:35

I'm guy that tries to eat his food the same second he takes it out of the microwave and curses himself for burning off all his taste buds. It's like I'll starve to death if I wait two more minutes to eat despite the absence of real hunger. I am proud of myself, though. Over the course of my lengthy fued with the microwaved foods I consume, I've learned to compromise. I'll take it out, stick a fork in it-cause it's done-and let is sit. When I come to recall it, it's still warm, but no worries of burning my mouth. It's amazing how much better food is when you can actually taste it. Imagine that.

On a serious note, I'm amazed by life sometimes. When I thought of my future, I never really thought of this. I thought of me standing somewhere in a stoic pose clad in the stereotypical get-up of whatever profession. And that's all I would do, is stand there with all the free time in the world to do whatever else I wanted. And everyone else would be the same way.

The bull shit flag has been thrown and I've been curb-stomped by reality. I've done a lot of things since I've had a "profession." While I have sat around, there was nothing stoic about it. Only the urge to get up and do something. ANYTHING! And free time, I don't have any such thing. I have time borrowed from the Army that maybe I can make a plan with. Doubtful.

Everyone else is so busy. Mimi with her studies and parties and being far away. Bryan with his family and bar-backing. Alyson with school, volunteer work, assorted jobs, protests, awareness groups, moving back and forth, and parties. It's amazing how busy everyone is. Perhaps that's why rope-swinging into a cold creek is so much fun. I think so.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.