Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Mexico y una fiesta
28 September 2005 | 16:53

Last night, I shared two pitchers of mrgaritas with some friends. Each pitcher containing a fifth of tequila. I, myself, must have had 7 margaritas, which was the most anyone consumed by far. I wasn't drunk, though. It takes a lot more than that.

However, I did get a buzz and pass out on my bed with a friend still messing around on my internet. He left around 1, and somehow my door got locked. I'm very curious about how, because I know I didn't get up. Regardless, I woke up wide-eyed at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep till 0420. Peculiar.

The four mile run this morning was great. Awesome weather, and it wasn't crowded at all. I'm glad I don't get hangovers, and I knew I was smart to drink those three bottles of water when I woke up at three am. Made a huge difference.

Well, anyway, Mexico is on. Tickets are purchased, seats are asigned. Rental reserved. It is going to be one hell of a good time. Might stay in Cancun for a little while, too.

Found out that I didn't get stood up intentionally. Her family had intervened. We'll be trying again Friday. While on Saturday, I plan an excursion to Nashville. Hopefully find some fun there. I'm sure I will.

The weekend before Halloween, I hope to host a costume party at an off-post friends house. I know at least twenty to thirty guys that will show. What I don't know, is there will be many females there. So, I'm going to make up some fliers, hand them out to random women and demand their pressence. It's better than nothing, and maybe I'll even get a date out of it. There is that one girl with that tattoo... Anyway, I'm almost looking forward to the party more than Mexico. We'll see how it all goes. Right now, I'm just going to work on my spanish some more. Amazing how quickly I've been picking it back up in the past two weeks.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.