Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
01 October 2005 | 09:25

Last night was one one in a million. One of those nights that just happen and you're best off just letting it flow.

Had to meet Lisa's parents before we went on a date. Really, her mom just had to see me, get me to sit in a chair, say hello and introduce herself. Then say bye. Seriously, that was all. If that isn't odd enough, she is almost twenty-one with this going on. And, I was her first date. Ever. And she's not unattractive by any means. I'm missing something.

Anyway, the date went well, but at the end when she went fishing for a kiss I didn't oblige. I need to evaluate the situation a little better. I know what I want, and it's not a relationship. Especially one where I'm the first they've been with. That's just got heartache written all over it for her.

Went to Oktoberfest after the date, drank a pitcher a beer, listened to polka, did a little clogging, and went out to a friend's truck. Holy crap! Moments occured that won't be elaborated upon here...Only that it made the night unforgettable.

Went downtown after that to get a little more drinking in. And in the street we were getting yelled at by some second-floor girls that wanted to see some skin. We showed them our chests, they showed us theirs, then mooned us. It was quite unexpected, all of it. Anyway, the college girls are finally here and partying. I'm going to like it. A lot. A whole fucking lot.

At any rate, last night was a blast and tonight is sure to be more of the same. Not going to Nashville as planned, going to go back to Oktoberfest. Nashville is the same year-round. Oktoberfest, however, once a year! Maximize the fun!

One last thing, G finally stopped drooling.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.