Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Mind games.
21 October 2005 | 13:37

When they start playing mind games, don't fight it. If you do, it's going to be a headache and who knows what else. However, if you play along, it's going to be nothing but jokes.

I owned yesterday afternoon when they tried to smoke us and make us feel bad for the state of our rooms. My room was clean, as it always is, and I knew it. However, I stayed there with my overly zealous motivation and gave back just as much as they were giving me. I couldn't keep a straight face as someone yelled at me. It was hilarious.

This morning, I was ready for it. Waiting with double-barreled sarcasm and wit-on-a-stick. So when it came, I had a blast with it, and kept it rolling.

They're right. I have changed. And you know what? It ain't all bad. I know the old me would have hated all of it and wanted to "strike down the man!" The me now, laughed his ass off like an insane monkey sitting in a tree. I was...wild. And I liked it. And, it was the right thing to do.

Anyway, my Spanish is getting better and better. I'm going rock-wall climbing today; first time in years. And, I have to go postpone my PRK. By the end of next month, instead of Monday, I will be glasses free!

I love life. As I owned yesterday afternoon and this morning...I'll own Fall. This season has always been mine. And while I have owned most of this year, I know I can have the Fall too. I love life.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.