Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
I am home.
24 December 2005 | 17:51

I am home right now. Typing this entry in the den. And today, I realized how terribly much I have missed this place. It hit me just how much I have left behind. And while this is among my shortest visit home, it is my most fullfilling. I've rested and had time to see everything that's here.

The warm weather caught me off gaurd, but it was an absolutely gorgeous day. I saw Alyson. Saw Mimi. And I would like to see Nathaniel. Of course, I've seen the folks and Bryan. And I'll soon be seeing Amanda and the kids. It's good to see everyone. It puts me back into perspective of who I am.

Alyson was good. She's still angry I joined the Army. It's impossible for her to realize that I made the right decision. I don't know why, but she won't support me in that decision. It doesn't matter, I know I'm right, but it still bothers me.

Seeing Mimi was good, if not a little awkward. I'm glad Jennifer was there. It made it a little more distanced, which is what I needed. I have been over her for quite some time, but it's still not easy yet. Sometimes, it's still hard to see Alyson. I think that's how it's going to be with Mimi.

I'd like to see the two of them again before I leave, but I'm here for family, not them. And I'm starting to realize I have better friends back "home." Back at Campbell. Almost hurts a little to realize that, but it's good. For once, I'm around my better friends rather than being seperated by incredible distances.

I miss this place. I miss my friends. But I made the right decision. I know that if I would of stayed, I would be someone I would have despised. And I wouldn't be of the caliber I am now. I make these decisions to progress. And that's what I have done. Without these choices, there is only regression. Or a staleness in life that might as well be regression.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.