Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Being right sucks.
31 December 2005 | 10:32

"As lonely as you are, you must know that my heart is held together only by the solitary string anchored by your love. And while I may not be there for you physically, I am there for you in a way that no one else in this world will ever be there for you. And I promise that in at least that one way, I can always be there for you.

Every tear that drips from your eyes is not in vain. It is just the price of love, and if your willing to pay it with me, it will be worth it. You'll get more than enogh jubilation to make up for all the miles of ache your heart has had to walk to get there.

If we let this bond break now, it might never be found again. And even if you live your whole life without regretting it, or a single thing...it still doesn't change the immensity of the loss you willing took on for the both of us. For everything after that point will just be an inadequate substitute. Nothing in this world or any other will ever measure up to the fullfillment of our love for one another.

To give up on that because you have to sleep alone, you have to go your day without my pressence, and you only get to talk by phone...it is absurd. I only hope you realize that."

That is what I should have said. But I let people make their own decisions. I let them live their own life without my persuasion. For none should ever live their lives for another, or by another's will. If it is not their own free will, I do not want it. And that choice of mine has caused me more pain and trouble I've ever wanted to take on. However, one should never have regret. They can not change the past. They can only act in the present and affect the future. And so, I do not regret. I know what I've done is right.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.