Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Blue Broom skills.
30 March 2006 | 20:08

Ha ha! I am the master! Bow down before me and my awesome Blue Broom weilding skills!

For the past few weeks I have been living in sin with Tressia. In this time, wasps have made a tough little home at the top of my window. So, sitting here in my room, I was surprised to hear buzzing that all mankind knows all too well. I look up and spot one. Then the other two. Three wasps and me with what? A broom! Ha!

Anyway, I got one out into the hall and killed it. I wish I would have been just a little more patient, but as soon as I saw it was injured I went for the kill swiftly to end it's pain. The other two, I got out through a tiny hole int he screen. When the coast was clear, I removed my screen, demolished their cozy little home, and reinstalled.

To cap this all up- WASPS: 0 / DARREN: 3.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.