Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
Run, Debbie, run!
06 August 2005 | 10:53

I ran for one hour, three minutes, and four seconds this morning. I ran through the woods where no trails exist with the swiftness, though not the stealth, of a wolf. Crossed Jordan Creek with bare feet to run through a dense quarter-mile of stinging-needle plants that made my legs feel like they were burning and itching ang just damn all around...To run on a road just to turn back into the woods by climbing a hill that was far more wall-like than it needed to be.

"Debbie, go get you some!" Sarge's voice called out. And I sprinted around the dirt path till I was out of sight with Akin and Thompson. Turned around, came back and waited to go again.

At the end of it all, it was 7 miles+. I'm not sure how far exactly, just how long. And Sarge decided to ask me if I'd had enough PT for one morning! Saying I had a lot of power at the end of that run for someone who claims to of had enough. I can run all day with more intensity than most around me. I was chomping at the bit the entire run to just sprint off and run the trail on my own. I love running. That...was one hell of an awesome run. Save for the stinging-needle bushes. I never want to do that one again.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.