Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
1st elaboration
25 January 2009 | 02:28

All the lights out and the snow heavy on the ground. New sounds screaming through the speakers. Kings of Leon. Phil Hansen and Mike K. burning with inspiration. To paraphrase Einstein, pussy-footing toward a cause is the same as being against it.

All my thoughts are clear at night when I'm laying in bed waiting for sleep. They are profound thoughts that I'm only rarely capable of taking with me to the morning. But as I lie in pre-sleep contemplation...everything makes sense.

It snowed a great deal today. My response was to sleep the day away. I used to find comfort in my own discomfort...in the challenge it brought. Now, here I am in the warmth being fat and lazy.

I have, at least, come to find a few bands new to me. I'm tired of listening to the same songs over and over. So, a little Framing Henley and Kings of Leon have saved me from the monotonous music I've been "enjoying."

My life has a different inspiration than that of Phil Hansen and Mike K. Phil Hansen is an amazing artist who has taken to destroying his art in a series goodbye art. Mike K. on the otherhand, is a guy with some great pictures on his myspace. A nude man playing a trumpet with a yellow-walled background. A man shooting a putt-putt T-Rex with a toy AK-47. The two of them are enigmatic people. Intriguing, multi-faceted people of the sort most would love to know.

My life and my inspiration is quite different. To me, it seems like I take gradual steps as opposed to instant, grand gestures. These gradual steps remind me of something Einstein once wrote that I find to ring true.

Einstein was writting about the Atomic bomb and it's impact on the world. He stated that there were three great powers of the world and two of three had the secret of the atomic bomb, the U.S. and the U.K. while Russia was in the dark. He wanted a world government to take control using the Big Three and despite the fears of corruption, he felt it a better alternative to the war or wars that would come otherwise. He said, "So while persons who take only taking a step at a time may think they are approaching world peace, they are actually contributing by their slow pace to the coming of war."

I need to start being bold. I need to act quickly and correctly. Otherwise, I'm contributing the all the problems I might try to fix.

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Flashes of High School
Summer of Change
No Brass, No ammo
Lost in Translation

Last Five

And that's that.
Referenced #2
To write them.
Heart vs mind.